What is Picture to People ?

"Picture to People" (P2P) is a huge Computer Graphics project. It was started to create new softwares able to make 2D drawing, 3D rendering, vexel drawing, text effects, photo effects, image filtering and other complex Computer Graphics operations. It has been made from scratch, including its low level Computer Graphics libraries like Maccala. Nowadays, most final features produced for this project are released as free online tools available from its official website. This blog talks about Computer Graphics, mainly concerning Picture to People development.

"Only who makes has true knowledge. Knowledge is control. True power depends on total control. Only who makes from scratch has the real power."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How related can be 2D and 3D libraries?

People have been asking me if I'm doing a completely new piece of software and new studies/researches for 3D tasks.

Well ... the answer is "yes and no". It sounds strange, but I will explain.

I'm really doing new libraries regarding source code. Despite in a Math sense a lot of 2D operations and transformations are just a special (simpler) case of 3D ones, the 2D implementation shouldn't pay the overhead of a 3D (more complex) one.

Anyway, after some more time, it will bring other good consequences. Usually, to be really flexible, 3D rendering software need a very modularized project, usually not needed in 2D rendering software. Being clearer: every software should have modularization and encapsulation (preferably in a object-oriented meaning), but it's a good idea take this to extreme in 3D projects. So, if you can, don't mix 2D and 3D libraries.

Just in a software sense, I'm creating new libraries. But, considering all of this in a Math sense, things are not so disjoint. If you understand and know how to implement math in 2D world, usually you are able to generalize it for 3 (or more) dimensions without study a lot.

Even separated in different source files or so, 2D and 3D libraries can be very related concerning analytic geometry and vector calculus.

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