Despite hundreds of effects I already could code in Picture to People site with the libraries I have, I'm not satisfied.
I want more. I would like to have the more powerful (non-commercial) Computer Graphics libraries ever. I think the most powerful CG libraries should offer advanced vector based operations over arbitrary sets of pixels.
With some hard effort, I could find a professional anti-aliasing level making complex operations over bitmaped images. Now it has been a big challenge to take my vector libraries to the next level: be able to make all this operations with an arbitrary alpha channel by input pixel. Beside this, each drawing object can have self-overlapping.
This new kind of operation turns useless a lot of common algorithms for anti-aliased filling and drawing. The reason is simple: when you have to deal with so complicated alpha requirements, the anti-aliasing techniques can not generate any over-painting. If so, your alpha calculations will get wrong, compromising the final drawing.
I'm very busy with this complex low level problem, so I'm not having time to post.