As several times before, Picture to People site's traffic increased more and more, so our dedicated server became overloaded. In the hours of day when P2P is most used, many requests had been receiving a slow response and, in some worse cases, our web server stopped responding.
I had no choice but pay for a more powerful server, otherwise in several parts of day users wouldn't have a smooth experience using P2P. It became a non optional decision.
The good news are that now Picture to People runs on a monster dedicated machine with a powerful processor and lots of memory. I'm optimistic that our new server can support some more traffic increase and I also can release more graphic software at the site with confidence.
The bad news are that I don't have money to pay for this very expensive server. Currently the site is very poorly monetized (in fact, most pages has just a small lateral ad), but probably I will need to set up a good number of ads to get money to pay for our new server.
At least I hope I will be able to achieve the most important goal: keep Picture to People project alive and providing a high quality service.
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