I developed Picture to People with a very powerful log. Analyzing the log I saw that there were many errors configuring the colors when using the effects. I realized that I have really many dummy users that don't understand what a "color in HTML hexadecimal style" is.
I always tried to make P2P absolutely easy (in fact, the easiest ever), but I forgot about the colors setting. My fault. To solve this problem once for all, I developed my own color picker component in javascript.
I projected it very carefully to have all important colors and to be very direct, efficient and user friendly. You always solve a color problem with two clicks: one to call the color picker (clicking the proper icon beside any color item) and one to set the color you want. When you call the component, it appears just close to your mouse and, when you choose a color, it is just written in the related color field. Below I show you how the color picker window looks like.
I coded the picker to mark any color cell (highlighting its borders in red as you see in the image) as the mouse pass over it. It works perfectly in Firefox and Chrome. This feature doesn't work in IE because it lacks some properties as defined by W3C. Anyway, the overall operation works in all three browsers.
I will always work hard to take professional Computer Graphics the easiest way for all.
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