What is Picture to People ?

"Picture to People" (P2P) is a huge Computer Graphics project. It was started to create new softwares able to make 2D drawing, 3D rendering, vexel drawing, text effects, photo effects, image filtering and other complex Computer Graphics operations. It has been made from scratch, including its low level Computer Graphics libraries like Maccala. Nowadays, most final features produced for this project are released as free online tools available from its official website. This blog talks about Computer Graphics, mainly concerning Picture to People development.

"Only who makes has true knowledge. Knowledge is control. True power depends on total control. Only who makes from scratch has the real power."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Drawing like a human - example 1

Here I show you a colorful example of Picture to People "Real Pencil" renderer in action.

This example photo was chosen because it has very clear curves. This way you can see very easily how the drawing trace respect and follow the input geometry locally and globally.

The third image is a zoom-in of a part of the second one. Realize like the drawing is made of a big amount of very small and delicate strokes, just as people are used to make by hand.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Can a computer draw like a human?

I have been studying and researching about Computer Graphics for more than 15 years. A great part of this time I have spent researching about professional artistic filters and effects.

I was always facinated by the way humans produce art, mainly drawngs and paintings. I have always tried to create math models and algorithms able to make drawings like ones made by human hands.

Now I got closer to my intention. I have created a new model to draw based on photos. Here some of the main reasons that make this algorithm work "like a human":

- the final image is made of thousands of small and delicate strokes (many people are used to draw this way);

- each stroke is carefully chosen (the calculations are made stroke by stroke);

- strokes respect and follow the photo geometry globally (on purpose or not, drawers usually act like that).

Below I show you a simple example. You can easily realize the strokes follow the geometry of the input photo in a similar way many drawers do.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vexel drawings from photos: example 8

Here I show you the last example about Picture to People "Art Vexels" section.

I have not shown all possibilities, but I think it's enough. For sure you already realized how configurable this tool is.

Next post will be about a new subject: transforming photos in realistic pencil drawings.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Vexel drawings from photos: example 7

Yet another vector based drawing made using my artistic vexel renderer to compare with the previous ones.

If you have a look at all examples I published, you can see each one has particular features.

Have a try by yourself in Picture to People site, at the "Art Vexels" menu item.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vexel drawings from photos: example 6

Here you see the next output from the "artistic vexel drawings" series.

It's not so funny always use the same input photo, but it's interesting to compare how the results can be different depending on how you configure the renderer.

I hope you are already convinced this tool is flexible, but anyway I wanna show some examples yet.

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