What is Picture to People ?

"Picture to People" (P2P) is a huge Computer Graphics project. It was started to create new softwares able to make 2D drawing, 3D rendering, vexel drawing, text effects, photo effects, image filtering and other complex Computer Graphics operations. It has been made from scratch, including its low level Computer Graphics libraries like Maccala. Nowadays, most final features produced for this project are released as free online tools available from its official website. This blog talks about Computer Graphics, mainly concerning Picture to People development.

"Only who makes has true knowledge. Knowledge is control. True power depends on total control. Only who makes from scratch has the real power."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Create page curl image effect online for free

Since a little time ago, Picture to People site offers a very handy photo editor that was requested by a huge number of users.

Now you can create convincing cool folding corners in your images by using our Curl Page Photo Effect Generator. You can even get a transparent uncovered corner if desired (you receive a semi-transparent PNG image file).

This new online photo effect maker is very configurable and can create several styles of page curl in your favorite photos. By the way, I leave here a nice tip: applying the effect twice with the proper configuration, you can get a double page curl in your portraits or landscapes (tow curled borders).

Below you see a photo that received two page curls from P2P Online Image Page Curl Maker:

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