What is Picture to People ?

"Picture to People" (P2P) is a huge Computer Graphics project. It was started to create new softwares able to make 2D drawing, 3D rendering, vexel drawing, text effects, photo effects, image filtering and other complex Computer Graphics operations. It has been made from scratch, including its low level Computer Graphics libraries like Maccala. Nowadays, most final features produced for this project are released as free online tools available from its official website. This blog talks about Computer Graphics, mainly concerning Picture to People development.

"Only who makes has true knowledge. Knowledge is control. True power depends on total control. Only who makes from scratch has the real power."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Water text examples

Here I show you some more elaborate examples about water text.

First you see a more trivial example. I made the liquid color slightly blue and set the shadow to a very dark blue. I set a very simple neutral configuration, with a low level font distortion.

Now I set a high level font liquefying, and set a good level liquefying for the image behind the liquid.

Here you see a water with more strength. I set the liquid to white (indeed more used for water) and I improved its 3D appearance increasing the shadow configuration.

You can get your own water text or any other liquid text using Picture to People. It needs no design skills.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Liquid text: example 2

Now you see the next example of liquid text made with Picture to People. I made a water text and have used a complex background to improve the realism.

The chosen font face was liquefied (distorted), so the text can really look like made of liquid. This very important feature of this tool is configurable.

When there is an image (and not just a color) behind the liquid text, you can take advantage of one good feature: the image can be liquefied in the part covered by the liquid. I have used it in a low level.

I have used a very slightly blue liquid with no translucency. I have put a stronger shadow to enforce the 3D appearance, but it makes the water less subtle.

Make your own water text or any other liquid text easily using Picture to People right now.

I will show even more realistic liquid texts in next examples.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Liquid text: example 1

Here I show you the first liquid text example made with Picture to People tool that already is online.

Since it's the first example, I kept it so simple as possible. I used a plain green background and a thick font. I configured the liquid to have a slightly strong 3D appearance, to be white and very transparent, and to produce a big font face "liquifying".

Depending on the results you want, a similar configuration can be used to create water text. Create your own liquid text right now.

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