I'm making some tech probes verifying the possibility of creating an interactive image composer WITHOUT using HTML 5 features. I want it working for people using older browsers, like usual for all Picture to People tools.
Believe me: web development is already very boring because the standards are made to be disobeyed. Each browser implements HTML, DOM, CSS e javascript as the related developers want and we need to live worried all the time about "being compatible with as much browsers as we can". If it was not enough to make our lifes a pain, we always discover new bugs and bad workings in these beloved softwares called browsers.
Are the modern browsers faster than old ones? Yes! Are they making this honestly? No. The more I make tests, the more I see recent browsers are caching everything, even what they shouldn't cache. It looks like if they are caching things just by name and location, no matter if that stuff has a newer date/time than the resource they are keeping. It's like to think "Hum ... I got this thing few time ago ... I'm feeling lucky, so let me show the same one without checking if it have changed in the origin".
So you can say: well, we always can press F5 and hope the browser will request that stuff again, right? Wrong! We CAN'T always ask for a page reload. It would be the case for my interactive composer: In several moments, I could need request again some page items, but reloading all the page would discard what the user have already done.
According to the tests I have been making, browser are making illegal caching, refusing to ask to the server some elements, even when that stuff was recreated in the server. Not surprisingly, the bad caching champion has been the fastest browser nowadays: chrome.
I just can't get used to this kind of thing. I'm really very upset with these super bothering problems web development always have. Let's see if I can find a way to work around this problem without giving up the interactivity of my software.
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